

Historical Portraits: Women in the Early Church and Beyond by Dr. Elizabeth Goodine

Women in the Church – Rethinking the Questions by Dr. Elizabeth A. Goodine

In Women and Men in Christ – Furthering the Discussion, Dr. Elizabeth Goodine expands on her presentation at the Minnesota South District Theological Convocation, Women in the Church – Rethinking the Questions.  In dialog with responses to her MN South presentation, Goodine further considers Methodological approach, The “Order of Creation,” and Freedom and Justice as a paradigm for future work.  She also discusses hierarchy and the implications of beginning with a “Body of Christ” model rather than an “Order of Creation” model.  You will find the full text of Women and Men in Christ – Furthering the Discussion on the ALPB’s Lutheran Forum website, where you can also interact with others about this important topic.


Documents relating to the 2009 CTCR study, The Creator’s Tapestry


Letters to the CTCR from: