In A Challenge to the Church, LCMS Pastor Al Kirk writes that “There are many gifted people among us and the gifts do not appear to be allocated on the basis of gender.”  Considering changes over time regarding the expectations, status, and vulnerability of women, Kirk notes that in Biblical times women were considered property that could be sold and that even today “too often women are considered second class citizens – things to be enjoyed.”  Then he wonders, “to what extent do we as a church foster this belief?”

To a commonly heard dismissal of expanded women’s service in the church, “if you let women take over the leadership of the congregation, then the men will withdraw” Pastor Kirk responds, “That isn’t a women problem.  That’s a men problem.”  In his thoughtful writing in support of the ordination of women, Pastor Kirk concludes, “Within the broader society we as a Church must promote the equality of women, their right to physical and economic security, and their right to develop and employ the talents with which God has endowed them.”

To read Pastor Kirk’s full article, please click on the link above or visit the LCMS Pastors page on this website to read his and the writings of other Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod pastors who support women in ordained ministry.  To share your experiences and support for women pastors, please send an email to OWN(at) or contact us through the contact form.  We at Ordain Women Now are most grateful for your support.