What’s changed in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod over the past 50+ years? When will women be ordained in the LCMS and how will this change occur? The Rev. Dr. George F. Lobien addresses these questions and more in his article, A Time for Everything. Pastor Lobien is a graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis […]
Tag Archives: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Coming Very Soon! Women Pastors
We’re on track to go live with the Women Pastors site next week and will continue to update it as we receive new stories and materials. Please help spread the word to women who grew up in the LCMS and moved on to become ordained in other denominations. We’d love to hear from you and […]
Coming Soon: Women Pastors
The Equal in Faith event that was held in Washington, DC a couple of weeks ago was a wonderful time when women from various traditions gathered to speak truth about the situation of women within our religious traditions. Our stories were different with regard to detail but there was a commonality revealed in the form […]
Equal in Faith Fast
The Equal in Faith fast for gender justice will occur one week from today on Monday, August 26, 2013. Please follow the link to the Equal in Faith Event page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/events/548948465166297/ to register your support. You do not need to be physically in Washington, DC on that day to be “going.” The event is being sponsored by […]
Making an Educated Choice: Conflicting Interpretations of the Creation Narratives
Making an Educated Choice: Conflicting Interpretations of the Creation Narratives By Elizabeth Goodine Any Biblically based position regarding the relationship of men and women under God must inevitably rest on interpretation of the texts dealing with the creation of human beings, that is, on Genesis 1 & 2. While much of the argumentation over proper […]